DWC recently joined forces with four other H2020 project to strengthen the impact of digitalisation in the water sector. Together, we launched the DigitalWater2020 Synergy Group (DW2020) to work on four thematic tasks forces: FIWARE and ontology, Sensors and demonstration, Business models and Communication.
The new DigitalWater2020 Synergy Group brings together five Horizon 2020 projects that are propelling research into digital water technologies: Digital-water.city aqua3s, Fiware4Water, NAIADES and ScoreWater. The group was created to
- tap into synergies and complementarities across R&D and communication activities
- pool efforts and share experiences on digitalisation in the water sector
- support more efficient means of managing and protecting water resources.
Above all the group’s aims to support decision-making, bring digital water solutions to market, and promote wider uptake among key stakeholders from utilities to industry.
DW2020 has recently organised a workshop with EASME to present the latest developments in data models. We presented our work to newly funded projects of the ICT4Water cluster and invited them to contribute to the development of unified and coherent data models for the water sector.
DW2020 also co-organised a policy workshop with EASME to present the projects’ contributions to European policy. The event gathered over 100 policymakers and project participants. The event report, all presentations, and the projects’ showcases are available on the EASME event page.
For more information on our activities, please contact DW2020 coordinator, Nico Caradot.
Download the DigitalWater2020 poster here and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest updates on the group’s activities.